About US

Welcome to the enchanting world of Meadowsweet Farmhouse. We invite you to discover living with slow exploration, to smell the rose and wear the dress.

We are forever inspired by herbs and flowers, the changing seasons, timeless style and nostalgic hopes.

We ardently wish for you to be inspired in turn by times past, by subtle precious details on clothing that sing to your heart and by scented goods and homewares that create a space for you to rest in.

Why Meadowsweet?

Meadowsweet is a herb that was used originally as a strewing herb which means it was one of the original herbs strewn on the floor to make homes smell good, to make them and the people living within, feel good.

Every foot step crushing the meadowsweet petals strewn on the floors of cottages, castles, manors or huts, would release a cloud of scent into the air. It was even said to be the favourite of Queen Elizabeth I.

It was also loved choice for brides to hold as their wedding day posies and grew in abundance in meadows by creeksides.

It’s stories like these that enchant us and make us feel connected to the past. Much may have changed in the world, but the same meadowsweet flower you gaze upon and smell is the same one countless people for thousands of years have done so with as well.

"Far more than we know, do the strength and beauty of our lives depend upon the home in which we dwell" J.R Miller

A perfect day is being at home, wearing white cotton or cozy knits, lighting candles and enjoying the garden. If you are a homebody like us, you've come to the right place.

We carefully curate pieces for making your home your place of sanctuary, where you can nurture yourself and rest.  A place where you collect pieces of beauty and joy, that tell stories and have soul.

We are a small family run business, creating and designing extraordinarily beautiful, quintessentially old world country clothing and wares in Queensland Australia.

We create our own scented goods in our studio cabin, and are purveyors of fine homewares and vintage inspired clothing and sleepwear.

Read our Founders Story
